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Where did all the jobs go ?

Where did all the jobs go ?

The question is actually a simple one if looked at from an overall perspective. You see in order to get what we wanted we have to give up something as well. So the answer to the question in short form is technology. As we wanted everything at our fingertips, just a touch away. What was unknown to most of us at the time was that it would be the entire manufacturing industry. If you could remember all of the huge factories that used to exist? Remember the massive manufacturing plants that used to be spread out all over the United States that mass produced cars, washing machines and so much more.
Well technological advances have made it possible for robots to perform these functions now. Whereas factories used to employ tens of thousands of people. Now most major corporations need only a “Skeleton Crew” strictly to manage, maintain and program the robots. See robots don't need health insurance nor do they take sick days or vacations. They don't have a union demanding time and a half. They simply work, break and are repaired or replaced. So you see for all of this touch technology, cell phones, flat screen TV's, insanely powerful yet extremely fuel efficient cars, we have to pay a price. The price, Downsizing another round of layoff's companies growing to immense sizes yet operating with fewer and fewer human employees. Fortunately there are structured products and services that are now and will always be “Technology” safe. But for the most part the traditional 9-5 is in a sense gone forever. If you correlate the two you should clearly see the real reason “customer service” in this country has went down the drain. The reason you fight through prompts in hopes of talking to a real person all the while being strongly urged by a robot to chose from a very limited set of options. No matter what the reason for your call is.
Th e ability to feed information, facts and objectives into a computer and receive concisely researched data is the main reason we have such extremely pricing structures everywhere, even in you r average fast restaurant. So you see in todays employment environment the only two realistic options that exist would be to A. educate and align yourself with one of the “Technology Safe” fields or professions or B. combine the newly available “World Wide marketplace” with hard work and a great idea and generate a revenue. Maybe the jobs are still here just a whole new format.

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