Tucson Winters
Tucson in November, its beginning to cool down here in town. The past Summer like most was intense almost to the breaking point, then the Fall came. What a relief the Winter was close. One of our greatest assets here in Tucson our Winters now is only a few months away. What a relief.As we know as permanent residents our Winters here in Tucson brings thousands of temporary residents we call "Winterbirds". They come each Winter to take advantage of our beautiful weather, awesome outdoor activities and enjoy our Cactus Christmas.
At first glance it doesn't seem fair we as "Permanent" residents have to endure the infamous Tucson Summers in return for the few Winter in return for the few months official Winter we get here in Tucson. Maybe we should become "Summer Birds" and go somewhere for the Summer. That would solve everything right, well it sounds good except there's no other place like Tucson. Most of us would be back in Tucson in no time. See we Permanents endure the Sumer heat for a reason. It's because we know Tucson is a special place all year-round.
As we all know the Winters are indeed a treat
Tucson is not a typical city in any way from November to February we we're treated to a combination of elements that combine to create the perfect Winter weather. I mean we don't get too rain which keeps the town light and dry. Tucson Winters are manageable no floods, hurricanes or tornadoes and if we like we can go to the snow, right up on Mt. Lemmon.
Overall we "Permanents" actually enjoy the influx of Winterbirds each year. They seem to bring a nice new fresh perspective to Tucson. Enough in fact to overlook how horrible they drive once they get here.
A balanced city - With a nice mix of cultured Winterbirds mixed in with new young students each Spring. It makes for a nice balanced mix of residents. People from all walks of life all converge on Tucson each year with all sorts of great assets to offer. Contributing moreso to the uniqueness of Tucson. Somehow a mix of diverse personalities and perfect weather seems to create a close-knit community type atmosphere to the Tucson.
What makes us special - I mean were else can you go in January and have Diner at 7:30 out out on the restaurant patio like you can Tucson. A meal prepared by a retired Chef recently from Miami and served to you by a young waiter/student from Nebraska working his way through school. This is a Cactus Christmas and this is the only place you can experience one. So as permanent residents we should all take pride in our Winters here in Tucson they are something special.
So come on down and have Cactus Winter with... us there's plenty room.