Here in Arizona the sun shines almost year round making the idea of
Solar Energy both plausible and ideal. So you might ask why hasn't Solar Energy taken
off long before now? The answer is simple, both technology and affordability had to find a comfortable place somewhere in the middle to meet. The Solar option as much benefit and potential it had shown unfortunately was not a plausible option for the average American
homeowner, that is until now.
Bigger a country we seem to be addressing the "Energy" issue swiftly,
effectively and as a whole. Solar energy has been studied as an
alternative energy source for decades. The feasibility of making each
home an independent power source has just become a reality over the last few years. Flash forward to 2013 with the technology now fully understood and the equipment able to be mass-produced cheaply. The system itself is now
affordable to the average homeowner. Initially the goal of most major Alternative Energy Companies was to make Solar energy cheap and easily attainable. With major breakthroughs in Solar research it now seems more like a reality in the near future.
Stay off the Oil...with most of the planet and its products are still powered conventionally the demand for traditional energy ironically is also increasing. With such a heavy demand natural sources are being simultaneously depleted or worse outlawed by new strict environmentally protective laws. This is
why alternative energy so important. The writing on the wall is clear and in all caps. The
fact that the supply may no longer be able to meet the demand could place conventional energy into a whole new category, an
unaffordable one. The global need for alternate energy is massive and the demand is limitless. Solar is one of the few alternates that could possibly fill such a huge quickly approaching need. Currently being left by Petroleum based Energy.
Social change. A little over a decade ago the "Solar" was the idea they way to go. Seems everyone was on board then for some reason it lost a little steam. The concept of "Energy alternatives" abruptly shifted in the direction of Electrical alternatives. The Electric alternative found a solid home in the auto industry. As one of the planets largest consumers of conventional energy the Auto industry was in desperate need a way to keep their cars on the road. They came up with the fuel/electric combination A.K.A The Hybrid. Which meant Solar had to take somewhat of a backseat in the alternative energy vehicle. Scientist, researchers and major corporations soon found out that Electricity was cut from a different cloth and could not be controlled and was very unpredictable in its application. Safety was also a major concern.
Sunny AZ - As the number two ranked Solar state second only to Sunny California Arizona offers several major benefits to homeowners willing to convert over to (SED) Solar Energy Devices.
Take a look at a few of the benefits and incentives Arizona Homeowners that do chose to go Solar will enjoy...
* An average of $30,000 - 36,000 added to the homes retail
* Each home becomes it's own independent power
source. Free from any and all major corporations!
* Several initiative based programs that give homeowners the option of placing as little as 10-25% of
the total cost of the Solar Energy Device (SED) down. An option currently offered by most Alternative Energy Companies.
* Homeowners may
cap "Solar" usage.
* Possibly having the option in the future to reserve unused energy.
* Avoiding the "at will"
rate increases of the major utility companies.
* Qualifying for a tax credit equal to 25% of the cost or $1,000
whichever is greatest.
* The price of the SED can be recovered in less than 4 years.
* You will no longer be affected by the steady rising cost of
conventional energy.
Why what may be the most cost-effective reason is introduction of the Congress based "Cap
N Trade Bill". The Bill is designed to
reduce Green House emissions as well as reduce Global Warming by
creating a system of "Pollution Permits" that all energy
companies would be required to purchase before releasing any Carbon
Dioxide into the atmosphere. Most Economist firmly insist one of the negative effects of such a bill is that it will drive the cost of
traditional energy up significantly. How much, in residential settings such as yours and mine some experts estimate cost could increase as much as 30%
annually! Even more incredible this has openly
been refuted by most researchers as being severely underestimated. Most believe the true number to be closer to 50% annually.
Arizonans - So maybe we should all take a closer look at the Solar alternative since lucky for us it is a viable alternative. The good news is that Solar is now an affordable Energy alternative. With help from both national and state agencies its now something the average homeowner can afford. The perfect place for Solar With Solar equipment now affordable and powered by something , Sunshine we should be able to make the transition to Solar smoothly efficiently here in Arizona in no time. And in the process become one of the leading Solar powered states in the nation.
So for a cheap way to get started or just some great Solar info on types, sources, feasibility and affordability go over and look at
Energy2Green an excellent informative site that teaches all aspects of Solar as well as the benefit it has for Arizonans. So if you haven't already take look into the Solar option as it could benefit both you and your home in many ways. Hopefully with the demand growing more and more each day for safer
cleaner energy alternatives sources we can all make the change. The
fact that the supply may no longer able to meet the demand could very
soon place conventional energy into a whole new category, an
unaffordable one.
Solar Energy
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