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Welcome Back

     It's been a while since we spoke. Luckily Tucson has only gotten better with age. We had a exceptionally nice Winter of 2012. And now we are in a nice mellow springtime Kite weather. So where are all of the children. The way the wind is blowing these days i thought I would see kids everywhere holding kite strings? April, especially here since this is one of the few months you can enjoy as far as weather is concerned.So I asked a few people while I was out and about. I was surprised to learn that that unanimously almost everyone I asked told me that kids today were sitting on a couch playing video games. Are they really all sitting in front of a TV playing video games? And if so what what happened? I thought the plan was to get away from the house. Times have indeed changed alot I guess. When I was a teen being a home classified you as a square. Back then the whole point of being a teen was to find a plac to hang out. preferably free like parks or beaches since none of us had cash. I guess times do change and we simply have to keep up.

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