Dr. John T Pellerito M.D.
4462 E 5th Street
Tucson Arizona 85712
(520) 327-6676 Phone
Email: Click Here
The uniqueness of Tucson...
Being a one of a kind city, Tucson has an exceptional rate of new residents each year due to retirement,
health, education, military, employment and more. Unfortunately in doing
so they leave behind the one thing we may all take for granted...a good doctor.
Internal Medicine...What is exactly..?
As a patients primary doctor of care the, a doctor
of Internal Medicine is often the only doctor with a knowledge of a
patients full range of conditions. Therefore can appropriately refer
patients to the proper specialty type of treatment needed to properly
address their condition
complex problems for adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists, or physicians. Internists are skilled in the management of patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes. Several conditions that need to be treated in unisome with regard to one another.
What exactly is Internal Medicine? As certified by the Board of Internal Medicine practitioners provide long-term, comprehensive care in the office and the hospital, managing both common illnesses and
General internists are trained in primary care internal medicine, which incorporates an understanding of disease prevention, wellness, substance abuse, mental health, and treatment of problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs. All internists are trained in the sub-specialty areas of internal medicine including emergency internal medicine and critical care. Internists consult with surgeons when surgical management is indicated, and often act as consultants to other specialists...in other words the perfect Primary Care Physician.
It seems based on such a broad definition that a doctor of Internal medicine would be the best place to start to get yourself together, health wise. Fortunately a Doctor of Internal Medicine seems to make for a nice spring board so to speak, from which a patient, say with multiple injuries would be able to successfully place all their health concerns with a doctor specializing in "Primary Patient Care" such as an Internist. Making the doctor of Internal Medicine in many cases, the doctor that could provide a complete patient analysis if necessary.
Yet the only issue (as with everything else) is exactly how to find one? And more important how to find a good one? Simple. A true primary care physician is one that can take the time and understand a patient and all their need and more importantly be able to address them in a timely fashion.
Where is he..?
A physician with the unique ability to address each and every patient, one at a time. To remain well within the current patients concerns thoroughly answering all questions and of course providing the correct referrals to the correct specialist in each case accordingly.
Accepting New Patients...
Fortunately here in Tucson we have the services of such an Internist, right here in Mid-Town everyday 5 days a week. The great news as of February 10th 2016 he is accepting new patients! So to everyone else here from somewhere else...here is good Internist ready to step in and provide the same essential services you had before moving to Tucson.
Quietly positioned in a neat little office on East 5th Dr. Pellerito's office has managed to nicely maintain the nice cozy feel of a good old fashioned doctor as opposed to the massive corporate structures which most doctors today are located. So stop by and check it out. Get acquainted with one of the best medical practitioners Tucson has to offer...Mention this article and receive a firm handshake!
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