An above ground Intex 12 Foot X 30 Inch Metal Frame Pool Set Less than $100 bucks! Deal of the day on Amazon! CLICK HERE for more info! |
Yes Summer is coming and it seems to be coming fast as we already eat thru May quickly. We know the heat is coming! We can't stop it there's nothing we can do...except go swimming! Here in Tucson try and stay in a swimming pool for most if not all of the Summer. Since we tend to get up around 110-115 Degrees we try and stay in some kind of water whenever possible so we swim a lot or at least whenever possible! As you probably imagined pools are everywhere almost taken from granted, but seriously appreciated as they really do work here in Tucson!
As the Summer approaches I have noticed a lot more of the above-ground swimming pools. So I started looked around doing a little light research so to speak and found out the price had dropped substantially since last Summer and people were taking advantage of it! Turns out the average family-sized pool above ground at least took a sharp drop from an average of somewhere around $500 down to below $100 bucks! Along with the price drop it seems that due to possibly to some advance in technology who knows but the result was that assembly had also gotten much more easier as an added bonus!